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The Sunshine is in you

Nicole Anderson

Author, Public Speaker, Consultant, Advisor

When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must, but don't you quit….

Author Unknown

About Me

As a surviving spouse, I've decided to live the life I love. I finally "woke up", several years after my husband passed away. Upon awakening, I realized I had been going through the motions of life and not living my life. 

Since then, I have embraced my life’s experiences and I now awaken and empower others who have been shaken by life's circumstances, rise up and let their lights shine.


 I show by example how I have not only survived but how I now thrive. 


I have had friends, family, clients and even strangers, mention, in some form or fashion, that I shine!




Nicole Anderson






"Don't fear failure...

Fear being in the exact same place next year, as you are today."

-Author Unknown



You represent a Shiny New Penny to me because:
•    Everyone loves new pennies especially since they are usually shiny
•    They have a beautiful bronze color
•    They don't break or bend easy; they are very strong
•    Everyone wants to pick them up when they see them (very attractive)
•    They stand out amongst others of its kind (only U.S. coin that is bronze)
•    It is obvious that they haven't been handled much (they haven't been around)
With all of your challenges in life that you have and continue to overcome, you have emerged into the Shiny New Penny that I've always seen in you! It’s absolutely amazing and encouraging to all that know and experience you!
Love and God Bless,
Penny the PA


“I have no reason to complain”.  When I find myself in a slump, which we sometimes do, I often say this quote, internally and my vantage point changes.  The reason I say this to myself, and to others who might complain about life happening, is because of Nicole Anderson and her journey.  No, we don’t ask for challenges in life; nor do we escape them.  I’m sure when Nicole was faced with the adversities of suddenly living without her husband and raising three babies all by herself, she didn’t ask for it nor could she escape.  Instead, Nicole’s strength and faith resulted in a “masterpeace”.  A peace that only the Master, our God Almighty, can deliver.  I am fortunate enough to witness this daily as I work alongside her and consume myself with HER peace and presence.  You see, to complain is to doubt, and Nicole has taught me that doubt staves off victory.  I am fortunate and grateful to rise and shine because that’s how Nicole lives.  She rises out of her trials and shines in her triumphs.  That’s how I want to live.  Just like Nicole.
-S Clemmons


"Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don't fight them. Just find a different way to stand."

Oprah Winfrey
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Nicole Anderson
Author, Consultant, Advisor, Speaker

©2018 Nicole Anderson by Margaret Daly Designs


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